The Spanish Association for Standardization, UNE, is legally designated as the National Standardization Body of Spain. Formally, it is a non-profit-making, private, independent and multisectorial organisation, recognised at National, European and International levels. It is the national representative and member of the European and international Standardization Organizations (CEN,CENELEC, ETSI, ISO, IEC, COPANT).
Through the development of technical standards helps improving the quality, competitiveness and innovation of companies, products and services.
UNE has a large experience in supporting research and innovation communities when taking advantage of standards and standardization to increase the impact of their activities, approaching their results to the industry, society and market environments. In INNOMEM UNE will advise, manage and develop all the activities related with standardization. European Standardization Organizations, CEN and CENELEC do not participate directly in research and innovation projects, delegating this participation into their national members.